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Options to take advantage of #StayAtHome

Posted by Mirela Mendoza on

"It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. When something happens, the only thing in your power is your attitude towards it." Epictetus

The #StayHome campaign has led thousands of people to take shelter and stop going out to public places to avoid the spread and spread of COVID-19. This change in our routines has affected all the dynamics we are used to: it changed the work rhythm, school responsibilities, and our social interaction. But let's not forget that this pause can be taken with the best attitude, taking advantage of the circumstances to create something positive. I invite you to make this social quarantine a moment to reorganize and stimulate creativity. I want to share several options for creating healthy routines and maintaining a calm state:

Learn a new skill

One of the most positive things we can do is use this time to acquire new knowledge. Whether it is learning or improving a language, reinforcing academic knowledge or taking a course in an area that you are passionate about.

There are many options available online that can help you grow in the workplace, for example, there's a lot of courses from Ivy League Colleges available through online platforms, where you will find digital tools to grow in the academic field. I want to use this time to learn about art and the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA) together with Coursera has enabled 6 courses on the subject that will be available here starting today, March 19.

Stay Creative

Stimulating creativity helps us connect with our feelings, relax and create a little beauty in the midst of the most difficult moments. You can pick up a hobby like coloring, writing or practicing an instrument. At Brit and Co there's a chance to take for free all of the courses available at the platform. Choose an area such as drawing, photography, or writing... There are even options to do with children! You can see all the options here and use the code SELFCARE at the checkout.

Stimulate the senses through art

With the closure of museums and theaters, the digital world gives us the option to stay connected through culture. The Met Opera has daily programming to enjoy different works of art online. As well, different museums have promoted their virtual collections. You can always visit the Louvre in Paris, the National Art Gallery or British Museum from home.

This situation gives us a new opportunity to finish old projects, get closer to those we love and recharge energy. Take advantage of the time you have now. It is a good time to share with the family, learn something new or resume a hobby. Especially promoting positive attitudes to feel in control and fulfilling our responsibility by staying at home.

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  • Buenas noches, solo agradecer su iniciativa está increíble sus recomendaciones .

    Jessika on

  • Este news letter es la cosa mas util que he recibido en mucho tiempo. Ya empezé 2 cursos de Dosmestika. Un curso de MOMA, y estoy escuchando los conciertos de la filarmónica de Berlin. Es una maravilla! Gracias !

    Bebsabe on

  • Gracias, Mírela. Si te gusta el arte estoy a la orden. Soy Historiadora del Arte. Saludos.

    Patricia on

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