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My tips for a healthy routine

Posted by Mirela Mendoza on

Mis tips para una rutina saludable - Mirela Mendoza

If you want everything around you to be ok, you must feel good. Especially when you are a mom, an entrepreneur and a housewife. It is true that achieving a balance in all areas is not a simple task. Sometimes you may feel overwhelmed trying to fulfill all responsibilities and support everyone around you; but it is not impossible either.


For me, looking and feeling good is essential to fulfill everything I must do daily. Having a healthy eating and exercise routine is essential, and planning is the key. There is no other way! On that depends all your success. I always look for options that adapt to my lifestyle. I do not like to be restrictive with what I eat, I want to be able to enjoy a dinner with my husband or a night out with my friends without this implying exceeding myself. I always look for a balance in my life to enjoy and I trust my planning to maintain a balanced diet and not neglect exercise.


Not every day I have the possibility to make 5 meals or take a prepared lunchbox with me; There are weeks in which my schedule is saturated, and I must try to find a couple hours to train. That's why I have some tips to organize my day and fulfill my goals, which I want to share.


  1. Plan your week

Check your agenda in advance and write down the commitments you have. This will let you know how much time you can exercise, how many times you will eat out, etc.


  1. Find time to train

During the week, set at least two days where you can spend a couple of hours training. Maybe you don't have the time to go to the gym, but you can work with weights at home or go for a quick run.


  1. Take time to relax

Use at least 15 minutes daily to connect with your mind and body. Whether you dedicate this time to meditation or apply a face mask, it is important that you can stop the hustle and focus on yourself.


  1. Make a healthy shopping

No matter how busy you are, you still have to go shopping for groceries. This is the perfect time to plan some meals and include a few emergency snacks for the days when you know it will be impossible to maintain your meal plan.


  1. Commit with someone else

A busy week is the perfect excuse for not complying with your routine, so make plans to exercise with a friend or pay a class with a personal trainer to feel obligated to attend.


  1. Save time in the kitchen

Within your agenda, take a day to cook and make your meals easier during the week. Whether it’s preparing and cleaning some vegetables for a quick green juice or setting up bento boxes to take in the lunchbox, having something prepared will help you stay on your diet.


  1. Have a healthy option at hand

Always carry a healthy snack with you to avoid cravings and never forget your water bottle. If the healthiest option is the one you have at hand, that will be the one you’ll choose.


  1. Stay hydrated!

One of the best investments you can make is to buy a water bottle, the ideal size to carry in your car or purse. Having it always at hand will help you improve your water intake. Good hydration is key to achieving your well-being!


Remember, it's all about including practical solutions! That way you take care of yourself and comply with everything you need to do. Doing so, it’s a great way to help you feel good. And thus, achieve extraordinary things.



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  • Me ha encantado tu blog ! Estoy leyendo todo

    Anaz Subedar on

  • Hola Jogre! Gracias por leerme y compartir un poco más de cerca mi día a día. Los productos que aparecen mi página son los que yo uso y me han funcionado. Algunos son de mi rutina diaria mientras otros los utilizo aleatoriamente. Lo importante es que confío en su calidad, por eso lo recomiendo!

    Mirela Mendoza on

  • Me encantó tu pagina, felicidades. Excelentes las recomendaciones nos das. Gracias por tomar tu tiempo para nosotras. Saludos desde Venezuela-Portuguesa😘

    Maithe Gonzalez on

  • Me encantan tus tips y la forma en la que los relatas tan sencilla y cercana a los lectores. Me gustaría saber si los productos que aparecen sugeridos abajo pertenecen a tu rutina diaria o si sólo es publicidad aleatoria del blog? Gracias

    Jogre WInkeljohann on

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